29 August 2009

Are you listening?

One of the best side effects of the iPod (whether you have one or not) is the acceptance of ear buds in your ears. In fact, it's such a common sight nowadays that maybe no one notices.

Or... your internship supervisor might. Not everyone has tuned in to the use of personal devices for private listening. Observe! If no one else is using ear buds on the job, don't assume you should start a trend. And even if someone is, consider that you still may need to restrain!

The content on this blog is not offered as legal advice or guidance. Consult your college, advisor, or internship supervisor for help with issues surrounding internships. © 2008 Mary Bold, PhD, CFLE. Dr. Bold is a co-author of the book Reflections: Preparing for your Practicum or Internship, geared to college interns in the child, education, and family fields. More about Dr. Bold can be learned at www.marybold.com

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