13 March 2010

Sick Days During College Internship

As a college intern on assignment, you are on the clock. That means that someone (maybe just you) must keep a record of your hours. So, what happens when you're sick?

1 - Employees at a site are likely to have an allotment of "sick days" that they can use without losing pay. As an intern, you don't!

2 - If you miss an assigned day due to illness, you will probably have to make up the hours in order to claim that you have accomplished the internship.

3 - If you miss more than a couple of hours during the semester, you should alert your campus professor. Absences from the internship can be problematic when it's time to receive credit on your transcript!

The content on this blog is not offered as legal advice or guidance. Consult your college, advisor, or internship supervisor for help with issues surrounding internships. © 2010 Mary Bold, PhD, CFLE. Dr. Bold is a co-author of the book Reflections: Preparing for your Practicum or Internship, geared to college interns in the child, education, and family fields. More about Dr. Bold can be learned at www.marybold.com

1 comment:

LegalPoet said...

Hey nice blog! You cover almost every part of the process of internship.

What do you make if this article herej. Its titled 'From internship to PPO (pre placement offer)'
