24 April 2010

Internships for High School Students

Internships can start before college! The College Board (the folks who publish the SAT) provides a good overview of internships for high school students. The examples ring true, too.

Even though high school interns may not have the same type of school credit that college students earn, it's a good idea to visit with a school counselor about how the internship fits your school career.

The content on this blog is not offered as legal advice or guidance. Consult your college, advisor, or internship supervisor for help with issues surrounding internships. © 2008 Mary Bold, PhD, CFLE. Dr. Bold is a co-author of the book Reflections: Preparing for your Practicum or Internship, geared to college interns in the child, education, and family fields. More about Dr. Bold can be learned at http://www.marybold.com/

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